Rikimaru (Tenchu: Stealth Assassins)

Rikimaru (力丸?) is a master ninja and the leader of the Azuma Ninja Clan, a loyal spy of Lord Gohda and his country. Raised in the way of the ninja by Azuma Shiunsai, Rikimaru became perhaps the youngest leader of the Azuma Ninja ever, after a series of harrowing trials early in the reign of Lord Gohda.
Rikimaru Missions[edit]
- Punish The Evil Merchant (悪徳商人を成敗せよ Akutoku shōnin wo seibai seyo)
- Deliver The Secret Message (密書を運べ Missho wo hakobe)
- Rescue The Captive Ninja (捕虜を助け出せ Horyo wo tasukedase)
- Cross The Checkpoint (関所を越えろ Sekisho wo koero)
- Execute The Corrupt Minister (悪の奉行を討伐せよ Aku no bugyō wo tōbatsu seyo)
- Infiltrate The Manji Cult (邪教卍教の御神体 Jakyō Manjikyō no gojintai)
- Destroy The Foreign Pirate (南蛮海賊の来襲 Nanban kaizoku no raishū)
- Cure The Princess (姫の大病 Hime no taibyō)
- Reclaim The Castle (鬼の城 Oni no shiro)
- Free The Princess (闇の城 Yami no shiro)