Onimusha (Video Game): Revision history

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9 March 2023

  • curprev 19:2519:25, 9 March 2023Saren talk contribsm 2,566 bytes +77 No edit summary undo
  • curprev 19:1719:17, 9 March 2023Saren talk contribs 2,489 bytes +2,489 Created page with "Onimusha is a video game franchise that began in 2001 with the release of the first game for the PlayStation 2 console. The franchise was developed by Capcom and is known for its blend of action-adventure and survival horror elements set in feudal Japan. The game takes place in a fictionalized version of the Sengoku period in Japan, where the country is divided by warring factions. The player assumes the role of a samurai warrior named Samanosuke Akechi, who is tasked w..."