Tetsujiro Yoneda

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Tetsujiro Yoneda is Kamakaze

Tetsujiro Yoneda, or Kamikaze, was an agent of Imperial Japan during the early years of World War II. He was outfitted with a special rocket-powered battlesuit and became a member of Axis Amerika. Kamikaze was a replacement for the Axis member known as Der Fledermaus who was killed in action in 1942.


First Appearance: Young All-Stars #4(September, 1987)

Last Appearance: Young All-Stars #25 (May, 1989)

  • Who's Who: Update '88 Vol 1 1
  • Young All-Stars Vol 1 4
  • Young All-Stars Vol 1 5
  • Young All-Stars Vol 1 6
  • Young All-Stars Vol 1 22
  • Young All-Stars Vol 1 23
  • Young All-Stars Vol 1 25