Godzilla Vol 1 14

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Godzilla Vol 1 14

"Mega-Monsters Part III: The Super-Beasts" September 1978

With the Red Ronin robot destroyed, Godzilla is the only force capable of stopping the now super-powered Mega-Monsters. After Jimmy Woo recovers the unconscious Rob Takiguchi from Red Ronin's head, the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Godzilla Squad realize that Godzilla hasn't got a chance against the three monsters so Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones decide to help Godzilla fight them one at a time.

In their base on the Moon, most of the Betans have suffocated as the atmosphere has been quickly seeping away. Those few who remain alive have been monitoring the life-signs of all four monsters, hoping to live long enough to see that Godzilla, by defeating the Mega-Monsters, will have saved their planet Beta from a final strike by the Megans. With only two of them left, the Betans decide to lower their base down into its crater so as to maintain what little atmosphere remains for as long as possible.

Back on Earth, Dum Dum and Gabe, flying in separate aircraft, attack Triax and Rhiahn, allowing Godzilla to conecentrate on Krollar who he is able to quickly overcome and kill. As Godzilla turns his attention to Triax, Gabe helps Dum Dum keep Rhiahn busy while Godzilla burns Triax from the inside out with his flame breath. When Rhiahn grabs Dum Dum's saucer, Godzilla blasts him with his flame breath, provoking the Mega-Monster into hurling the craft at Godzilla as a weapon. However, Godzilla saves Dum Dum by catching the saucer and placing it on the ground. Godzilla then battles Rhiahn and is able to use the Mega-Monster's own bio-blades to behead it.

With the Mega-Monsters destroyed, the lone Betan on the Moon rejoices that he may now die in peace knowing that his homeworld is safe. On Mega, the Warlords realize that their failure to conquer Earth means that they will not be able to continue their war with the Betans and their leader suggests that it may be time to terminate the war, asking if there were any there among them who were not tired.

On Earth, the Godzilla Squad decides to let Godzilla go. When the National Guard commander objects to them letting a monster get away, Dum Dum replies that he doesn't see any monster.

Supporting Characters

  • S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Godzilla Squad
    • Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan
    • Gabriel Jones
    • Jimmy Woo


  • Mega-Monsters (Last appearance)
  • Triax (Death)
  • Rhiahn (Death)
  • Krollar (Death)
  • Megans
  • Warlords of Mega

Other Characters

  • Robert Takiguchi
  • Tamara Hashioka
  • National Guard commander
  • Betans (On the Moon) (Death)

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