Sub-Mariner Vol 1 53

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...And the Rising Sun Shall Fall!

Sub-Mariner Vol 1 53

Continued from the last issue.

Namor convinces Sunfire to help him repair the freighter and contain the leak of defoliating agents that have spread into the sea. Meanwhile, the Dragon-Lord recalls his origin and how he came to create his base of operations using abandoned World War II technology. Sunfire and Namor then turn their attention to the Dragon-Lord and hope to prevent him from unleashing his plan for Armageddon.

Continued in the next issue.


  • Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie)
  • Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) (First appearance)
  • Dragon-Lord (First appearance)

Release Date[edit]

June 13, 1972

Cover Date[edit]

September 1972