Tomi Shishido (Earth 616)

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Tomi Shishido

Origin and Early Life[edit]

Tomi Shishido was born in Kyoto, Japan, as a mutant with extraordinary gifts. His development was remarkably rapid:

  • Spoke his first sentence at two weeks old
  • Walked at three months old
  • Read and wrote by his first birthday
  • Ranked among Japan's top five artists at age four
  • Composed his first opera at age six
  • Attempted suicide twice before age six
  • At age thirteen, devised a mathematical formula proving God's existence

At thirteen, Shishido became aware of his mutant ability to turn people to stone through eye contact, earning him the moniker "Gorgon". To manage this power, he learned to fight and operate while blindfolded, aided by low-level telepathic abilities.

Rise to Power[edit]

As a teenager, Shishido formed a mutant death cult called the Dawn of the White Light, subjecting Japan to terrorist attacks for four years. At eighteen, he killed his family and closest friend to attract the attention of the Hand, an ancient ninja clan.

Shortly after, he was visited by the Kraken, a Hydra agent who gifted him the Godkiller sword, an artifact capable of slaying deities. Shishido then found the Hand's sanctuary, demonstrating his skills by defeating their guards while blindfolded. To prove his dedication, he fatally stabbed himself and requested resurrection.

Impressed, the Hand resurrected Shishido. Within a year, he became their High Priest and forged an alliance with Hydra.

Conflict with Wolverine[edit]

Shishido orchestrated Wolverine's capture by kidnapping Ichiro Yashida's son. After defeating Wolverine, Hydra brainwashed him into becoming their agent. Wolverine then carried out several missions for Hydra, including:

  • Attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
  • Stealing blueprints from Reed Richards
  • Destabilizing the banking industry
  • Attempting to assassinate the President of the United States

Eventually, Wolverine was freed from Hydra's control. In a final confrontation, Wolverine used his claws to reflect Shishido's petrifying gaze back at him, turning the Gorgon to stone. Wolverine then shattered Shishido's petrified body. [Wolverine (3rd series) #20-31]

Resurrection and Further Activities[edit]

High Council of Hydra[edit]

Baron Strucker later had Hydra steal Shishido's remains and forced the Hand to resurrect him. Shishido then joined Hydra's new ruling council. During this time, he:

  • Confronted Nick Fury's Secret Warriors
  • Battled Leviathan forces
  • Killed the young god Phobos, fulfilling his vow to slay a deity [Secret Warriors #2-11]

Dark Avengers[edit]

Shishido briefly joined Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers as their Wolverine, planning to betray Osborn when he became too dangerous. [New Avengers Vol 2 #18]

Madripoor and the Hand[edit]

As the Hand's leader, Shishido awakened a dormant dragon beneath Madripoor, leading to a conflict with Shang-Chi and the Ascendants. [Avengers World #1-14]

The Scarlet Samurai[edit]

Shishido resurrected Mariko Yashida as the Scarlet Samurai, planning to use her to take over the Yashida Clan. This plot involved a regenerative drug called Regenix and led to confrontations with Old Man Logan and Silver Samurai. [Old Man Logan Vol 2 #31-35]

Krakoan Era[edit]

Shishido joined the mutant nation of Krakoa, serving as one of its Great Captains and a bodyguard for the Quiet Council. He participated in the tournament of Otherworld during the X of Swords event, where he was killed by the White Sword. [X of Swords: Creation #1, X of Swords: Destruction #1]

Upon resurrection, Shishido's personality was altered, becoming more childlike and gentle. This change rendered him unable to fulfill his duties as Great Captain. [Way of X #4]

During the second Hellfire Gala, Shishido was killed by Hydra affiliates for being a traitor. [X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1]

Powers and Abilities[edit]

Mutant Powers[edit]

  • Petrifying Gaze: Ability to turn others to stone through eye contact
  • Telepathy: Used for communication and to "see" while blindfolded
  • Emotion Perception: Psionic ability to sense others' emotions
  • Genius-level Intellect: Extreme advancement in various fields

Post-Resurrection Powers[edit]

  • Superhuman Strength, Speed, Stamina, Durability, Agility, and Reflexes
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
  • Enhanced Combat Skills


  • Master of multiple martial arts
  • Expert swordsman


  • Sunglasses or Oriental Mask: To control his petrifying gaze
  • Swords: Including the Godkiller and later Grasscutter

Video Game Appearances[edit]

  • Marvel Heroes: Omega
  • Marvel Puzzle Quest
