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Jennifer Takeda is Hazmat

One day, Jennifer Takeda was kissing her boyfriend Greg when he suddenly fell into a coma. She was taken to the hospital to be tested where it was discovered that her body leaked radiation and she was the cause of the coma. While her parents were accusing Roxxon of being responsible, she herself was accused by Greg's parents. Meanwhile, she was asked to write her stories by countless media.

Norman Osborn kidnapped Jenny and jump-started her powers against her will. When she returned home her family became exposed to her long enough that they became ill and her dog died. Hank Pym met with Jenny and invited her to the Avengers Academy. Hazmat was forced to wear a protective radiation suit at all times when around others.

Avengers Academy

Jennifer was recruited into the newly formed Avengers Academy alongside other young potential heroes Veil (Madeline Berry), Striker (Brandon Sharpe), Finesse (Jeanne Foucault), Reptil (Humberto Lopez), and Mettle (Ken Mack). She and the rest of the class were lead to believe they were among those most likely to become heroes, but they quickly uncovered files on them revealed they were most likely to become villains.

Hazmat plotted her revenge on Osborn along with fellow students Mettle and Veil. The three went to the Raft with the help of the Thunderbolts. Hazmat found Norman's cell and she and Mettle tried to kill him. The instructors foiled them and they went back to the Quinjet where Luke Cage told her, Mettle, and Veil about Osborn killing his family.

Later the team went out with Mettle and Hazmat shrunk onto Wasp's hand. Whirlwind appeared and attacked a guy, and the team used their powers to defeat Whirlwind, but in doing so become public.

After being elected class leader of Avengers Academy, Reptil decided to mediate Mettle and Hazmat's differences, saying that they make a good couple, they became disgusted. Mentallo escaped from his transport truck and started messing with the Avengers. The team went to intervene, resulting in Reptil ripping his arm off.

First Appearance: Avengers Academy #1 (August, 2010)