Kuroko (Samurai Showdown)

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Revision as of 05:26, 20 October 2022 by Saren (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kuroko (黒子くろこ), is a character in the Samurai Shodown series. He first appeared in the original Samurai Shodown as an official who officiated the match in early Samurai Shodown games. He starts to challenge players as a hidden boss in Samurai Shodown II and continues to do so in other games of the series. Category: Video Games Category: Samurai Shodown Category: The 1990s")
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Kuroko (黒子くろこ), is a character in the Samurai Shodown series. He first appeared in the original Samurai Shodown as an official who officiated the match in early Samurai Shodown games. He starts to challenge players as a hidden boss in Samurai Shodown II and continues to do so in other games of the series.