Sonny Sumo

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Revision as of 22:48, 11 November 2022 by Saren (talk | contribs)

Sonny Sumo was an honor-bound warrior who held fast to old Japanese traditions. Proficient in the competitive sport of Sumo, Sonny was forced to use his skills for money in underworld competition. Sonny's rivals were not always traditional sportsman however. In one event, Sonny's manager Harry Sharp set him up against a robot warrior named Sagutai. Sagutai greatly wounded Sonny Sumo, but the trained athlete was able to call upon his inner chi to heal his wounds. Sonny Sumo also possessed an aspect of the Anti-Life Equation. He first discovered that he held this key to ultimate power when he encountered a team of adventurers known as the Forever People. The Forever People used their Mother Box to unlock the Anti-Life Equation inside of Sonny.
