Ayame (Tenchu: Stealth Assassins)

Ayame (彩女 a homonym of the word for "iris" meaning "colourful female?) is a longtime member of the Azuma Ninja Clan, dedicated to Lord Gohda Matsunoshin and his family. She is particularly close to Lord Gohda's daughter, Princess Kiku.
She is one of the lead characters in all subsequent installments of all Tenchu game series except of Tenchu Z and has been well received by gaming mass media, often perceived as one of the top assassins and best female ninja characters in video games.
Ayame Missions[edit]
- Punish The Evil Merchant (悪徳商人を成敗せよ Akutoku shōnin wo seibai seyo)
- Deliver The Secret Message (密書を運べ Missho wo hakobe)
- Rescue The Captive Ninja (捕虜を助け出せ Horyo wo tasukedase)
- Cross The Checkpoint (関所を越えろ Sekisho wo koero)
- Execute The Corrupt Minister (悪の奉行を討伐せよ Aku no bugyō wo tōbatsu seyo)
- Infiltrate The Manji Cult (邪教卍教の御神体 Jakyō Manjikyō no gojintai)
- Destroy The Foreign Pirate (南蛮海賊の来襲 Nanban kaizoku no raishū)
- Cure The Princess (姫の大病 Hime no taibyō)
- Reclaim The Castle (鬼の城 Oni no shiro)
- Free The Princess (闇の城 Yami no shiro)