Category:Golden Half Special

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Golden Half Special

Golden Half Special (ゴールデン・ハーフ・スペシャル) was a group of four half Japanese singers formed as a derivative group of Golden Half. Their debut record came out in 1976 from the same Watanabe production group as the original. Unfortunately, it did not last, as they failed to gain much of a following.

Final Line-Up[edit]

  • エミリー (Emily)
  • ナンシー (Nancy Meier) born September 26, 1960, from Yokohama, Kanagawa
  • トミー (Tomi Sunagawa) born September 14, 1956, from Okinawa Prefecture. Later renamed to ” Tommy Jun” and made his solo debut on June 21, 1982 with a song called “Kose no Yellow Tissue”. In the name of Atsushi Tomii , she was also a voice actor for the role of the heroine in ” New Guts Frog ” and performed as a regular in ” Kakkurakin Daibetsu !! “
  • Peggy (ペギー) (Joined later)

Former Members[edit]

  • Linda (リンダ) (Left late 1977)


