Japanese Dragon (American Dragon: Jake Long)

The Dragon of Japan is a minor character who only appeared in the American Dragon: Jake Long episode "The Hong Kong Longs". He is one of the Dragon Council members. He is the first dragon who saved Japan and wields two swords.
After the Dark Dragon, Councilor Chang, and Bananas B. arrived, the Japanese Dragon turned into his dragon form and realized that Jake Long slipped something into their drinks. The Dark Dragon, thinking the council members drank his mind control spell, commanded Sun Park to destroy and kill Councilor Andam, but she suddenly grew long ears, while the Japanese Dragon turned into a codfish, Councilor Andam tuned into a hippo, Councilor Omina turned into a sheep, Councilor Kulde turned into a horse, Councilor Kukulkhan turned into an eagle, and the rest of the dragons turned into different animals.
He turned back into his dragon form to fight the Dark Dragon.