Jiro Osamu

The body double of the Japanese costumed adventurer known as Mister Unknown, Jiro has helped his senior partner for years. However, recently they were attacked by Lord Death Man, a masked criminal who disfigured Mister Unknown with acid before killing him. Jiro was targeted as well, when his girlfriend was kidnapped and fed to an octopus, before being rescued by Catwoman. While Jiro's girlfriend was taken to a hospital, she angrily breaks up with Jiro for not telling her that his boss was Mr. Unknown. Jiro was approached by Batman, who had came to Japan to offer Mr. Unknown a position in Batman Incorporated. Jiro tried to take the offer, but Batman refuses, saying that Jiro used a gun and a rule in Batman Incorporated is "no guns." Regardless, Jiro took up the mantle of Mister Unknown one last time and helped Batman in defeating Lord Death Man and saving Aquazon of the Super Young Team. Thereafter, he fakes his own death and becomes the Batman of Japan. Batman then gave Jiro a three-month probation period to be Tokyo's Batman and a member of Batman Incorporated.