Crazy Shy Lolita Canary

Shy Crazy Lolita Canary is a winged heroine in a Japanese manga schoolgirl outfit. She's the size of a canary and is physically small enough to fit in someone's hand. She possesses a sonic scream, which sounds like many, many voices all mashed together.
In Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance #1, Lolita Canary has shown some hints of being an alcoholic.
While still a member of the Super Young Team, Canary has recently begun a relationship with Jiro Osamu, the former apprentice to Mr. Unknown, who succeeded his mentor in becoming the Batman of Japan, and a member of Batman Incorporated. During Batman's "world tour" to visit the branch members of the organization in their respective countries, Jiro had asked Batman if the rumors to his American counterpart's access to a shrink-ray or similar technologies were true, and mentioned he and Canary were in a relationship and it was getting serious.
Since developing her unusual powers, Shy Crazy Lolita Canary has embraced the media attention and regularly courts the press' attention. She is known as a party girl, able to consume a surprising amount of alcohol despite her size.
Shy Crazy Lolita Canary appears as a human being approximately one foot tall with feathered wings. She is usually found wearing a Japanese Sailor Moon-esque schoolgirl outfit, with her blonde hair in pigtails.
Shy Crazy Lolita Canary's unique appearance brings several advantages. She is capable of flight slightly faster than a normal human's foot speed and her slight frame allows her to easily dodge attacks.
Despite her small size, Shy Crazy Lolita Canary has a shatteringly loud voice which sounds like many, many voices all mashed up together. This has been likened to the sound of every shopgirl in Tokyo bellowing "SUMIMASEN!" at the top of their voices for as long as they can.